India,science and religion

In India science and religion are not opposed but this often seem to be in the west, but even many scientific concepts has been inspired from the sages and scripts of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.Thus, in the Hindu understanding the science is also the approach towards godhead.Hindu concepts of time and space is the notion that the external world is a product of creative play of Maya (illusion).Thus, the world we know is not real but illusionary.This universe is in constant flux with many level of reality (energy).And if we find moksha (release), then according to saints now we are free from the bonds of space and time.

After a universal dissolution cycle, our supreme being decides to recreate the cosmos so that we souls can feel that the world what we see is real, have shape and solidity.Soul according to karma earned in previous life draw themselves in atoms that coalesce into an appropriate body.As in mordern physics, Hindu cosmology envisaged (infer) that the universe have a cyclic nature.The end of each kalpa brought about by Shiva`s dance is also known as the beginning of next world which emphasize that the rebirth need destruction.In our universe every quantity is fixed within that only formation and destruction will occur so obviously for new born one have to die as this nature uses the matter and quantity is fixed.

India is rooted in a timeless universe of eternal return unlike the west which live in a historical world, in India everything which happens has already done so many time before, though in different guises.Hinduism arose from the discoveries of people who felt that they have gained something, an insight into the nature of reality via deep meditation and yoga.Science uses a heuristic method that requires proof of theoretical mathematics. Yet both have proposed similar scenarios for the creation of the universe.


As in Hinduism understanding of time is as grandiose as time itself.While most cultures base their cosmologies as few hundred or thousands of years, but the Hindu concept of time embraces billions and trillions of years.The time units from the infinitesimal truti, lasting 1/1,000,000 of a second to a mahamantavara of 311 trillion years,all these things has been described in Puranas.That`s why sages call time as cycle, an endless procession of creation, preservation and dissolution.Now one of the famous scientist Carl Sagan have expressed amazement at accuracy of space and time descriptions given by the ancient rishis and saints, who fathomed the secrets of the universe through their mystically awakened senses.

When science aspired to estimate the age of the earth then many scientists had been inspired from the sages predictions,The most remarkable of these occult time-scales is that of the ancient Hindus, the concept of the Earth`s duration has been given in a sacred book "Manusmriti". The 8.64 billion years that marks full day and night cycle in Brahma`s life is about half the modern estimate for the age of the universe.The ancient Hindus believed that each Brahma day and each Brahma night listed as kalpa, 4.32 billion years, with 72,000 kalpas equating a Brahma century, 311,040 billion years in all.That the Hindus could concieve of the universe in terms of billions.


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