JESUS IN INDIA-(lost years of jesus)

This is unbelievable fact that Jesus went to india and in Jagannath he studied Vedanta.Acccording to the book JESUS LIVED IN INDIA(Holger Kersten,1986,Element Books) talks about the lost years of Jesus from the time of his childhood to when he returned to israel in his mid thirties,a gap of about 18 years.This German book is methodical and authoritative evidence of Christ's life beyond the Middle East before the Crucifixion and in India and elsewhere.

Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet,from age 13 to 29 he was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men.The story of his journey from jerusalem to Benares(VARANASI) was recorded by Brahman historians.Today they still know him and love him as St.Issa as their BUDDHA.

A short introductory section precedes a brief description of the early history of the people of Israel and the life of Moses. An account then follows of how the eternal Spirit resolves to take on human form 'so that he might demonstrate by his own example how moral purity may be attained, and by freeing the soul from its rude mortality, achieve the degree of perfection required to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, which is unchanging and ruled by eternal happiness'. And so a divine infant is born in far-away Israel, and is given the name Issa. Sometime during the fourteenth year of his life, the lad arrives in the region of the Sind (the Indus) in the company of merchants, 'and he settled among the Aryans, in the land beloved of God, with the intention of perfecting himself and learning from the laws of the great Buddha', The young Issa travels through the land of the five rivers (the Punjab), stays briefly with the 'erring Jains', 'and then proceeds to Jagannath', 'where the white priests of Brahma honored him with a joyous reception'. At Jagannath Issa/Jesus learns to read and understand the Veda. But by then instructing the Sudras of the lowest castes, he incurs the displeasure of the Brahmanas, who feel their position and power threatened. After spending six years in Jagannath, Rajagriha, Benares and other holy cities, he is compelled to flee the Brahmans who are outraged at his continuing to teach that it is not the will of God that the worth of human beings should be judged by the caste.

According to Professor Hassnain, who has studied this tomb, there are carved footprints on the grave stones and when closely examined, carved images of a crucifix and a rosary. The footprints of Yuz Asaf have what appear to be scars represented on both feet, if one assumes that they are crucifixion scars, then their position is consistent with the scars shown in the Turin Shroud (left foot nailed over right). Crucifixion was not practiced in Asia, so it is quite possible that they were inflicted elsewhere, such as the Middle East. The tomb is called by some as "Hazrat Issa Sahib" or "Tomb of the Lord Master Jesus". Ancient records acknowledge the existence of the tomb as long ago as 112AD. The Grand Mufti, a prominent Muslim Cleric, himself has confirmed that Hazrat Isa Sahib is indeed the tomb of Yuz Asaf!

Thus Kersten deduces that the tomb of Jesus Christ Himself is in Kashmir!

The implications of Kersten's discovery are monumental. Christ's life in India, after the crucifixion, challenges current Church teachings at their very foundation. The theology of Saint Paul, the major influence on modern Christianity, is empty fanaticism in the light of this discovery. Threatened also are the doctrines of obedience to the Church, original sin, salvation through blind faith and the non-existence of reincarnation, etc. Yet these ideas underlie the morality and ethics, (or lack of them), that govern the entire Western social structure, from the legal system to medical health care schemes. It is no wonder that the modern Churches and their secular interests refuse to consider such a proposition as Kersten's!And there are still many old Purana of Hindu and Buddha where clearly the name of Jesus as ISSA MASI have been mentioned and all the evidence regarding to his life or being a son of god or prophet is mentioned there in form of SHLOKAS.For further information I
request to visit LOST YEARS OF JESUS

Here are some images which ensure about the existence of JESUS in India-




                                     HAZRAT ISSA SAHIB or TOMB OF LORD MASTER JESUS


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