Knowing the self-

The first thing which comes to my mind is the self. We all belong to this self and persistently working for it, in order to make it happy. What is this self and why its realization is important? Let me elaborate it more, if I ask a simple question that who are we? Then what we think of our self as a body, object, soul, carbon element, etc. But let me clarify we are more than that and the thing is to know this correctly, which will surely kill our entire affliction. Actually, the problem is with us that we have been taught like that, we think those things to be ours which in reality does not belong to us. And unfortunately this is called to be an illusion.
Yes, it’s nothing but state of our mind or consciousness. We only see those things for which we feel conscious, interpret it like that– how many times we see the road or blue sky while travelling from our home to office when we are late for office. It’s a kind of joke off course if we are going to the office while following road and watching sky so sensibly continuously we are watching these things but if someone ask us that what did you saw beside street no.7 while crossing the road or was sky really blue or cloudy then we might answer sorry I do not know cause I was in hurry.

Similarly, we feel those things what we see and we see those things what we feel. The same way from childhood we have been told by our parents, relatives, neighbors that this house is ours, this dress is ours, this garden is ours and moreover this life is ours. But question is, does really all these things are ours even this life. The things which have been mentioned belongs to a period of time for a period of life then how it could be ours, as we know the famous saying of John Keats that “a thing of beauty is a joy forever”, means real beauty is that which exists forever in the same way ours is that which belong to us forever. What?  Forever, no it’s unbelievable. This means that which is not going to be with us forever is not truly ours it’s an illusion. Yes, it’s an illusion, our relatives, relations which lost its existence, and even our parents, they belong to us and we belong to them but neither we are in them nor they.

When a day comes our father dies and he leaves us alone with our mother, wife and son. After someday our loving mother will die. Now we left only with our small family, suppose our young son quits us and wife died on account of cancer, then who will be with us and then the self will be realized which is going to be with us forever. When we live alone or sad then we feel it but not all of it, only one percent. Causes if we realize it fully then we are not going to be anxious any more. But how we can realize it fully? Is there any method or exercise to get it? These questions are common to be arisen in our mind, wait soon everything will be known. But self-realization is not a simple or informal activity, to know about it first we have to concentrate and then dilate our faith. I would like narrate a story of Christopher who visited to India in 2010 in order to self-realization via yoga and meditation.

Christopher was new in India and thus he visited to guru (spiritual master) across Himalaya. He asked him to train him so that he could realize himself. Then guru said: “Son you have come here from far away to know yourself if you don’t know about self then how I could?”

Christopher replied: “Sir I respect you and your venerability but wistfully no one knows themselves.”

Then guru said: “Great, at least you know this that how hard is the self-realization because it’s verily very hard for us human to overcome illusion of this materialistic world. So tell me, what you really want in this world?”

Christopher replied: “I want happiness and pleasure as everyone is crashing for it.”

Guru said: “As usual, everyone wants this but you should ask different things my son. Ok, tell what is prominent and primary need of human beings in this modern world. ”

Christopher replied: “off course treasures and money.”

“Christopher my dear”, said guru, “If I provide you all treasures and money but with no one in this world, in nothingness, then will you be happy.”

There upon Christopher said: “no guru ji if nothing is here in this world then what will I do of all these treasures.”

Which means it’s just a state of mind or a period of time; treasures only give pleasure if someone be present to show off. Otherwise to whom we goanna show it, to our self but that’s not real pleasure. Then what is real pleasure?

Christopher said: “Guru ji, does all those treasures will make me immortal”

Guru replied: “No, well you have asked a genuine question and honestly I will give you genuine answer with the help of UPANISHAD (a sacred Vedic scripture in Hinduism).”

Come sit down, I will explain to you. As I explain it, meditate on what I say.

Then guru said: “not for the sake of the husband, my dear, is the husband loved but he is loved for the sake of the self which, in its true nature, is one with the supreme self.

Not for the sake of the wife, my dear, is the wife loved, but she is loved for the sake of the self.

Not for the sake of the sons, my dear, are the sons loved, but they are loved for the sake of the self.

Not for the sake of the wealth, my dear, is the wealth loved, but it is loved for the sake of the self.

Not for the sake of the worlds, my dear, are the worlds loved, but they are loved for the sake of the self.

Not for the sake of the gods, my dear, are the gods loved, but they are loved for the sake of the self.

Not for the sake of the beings, my dear, are the beings loved, but they are loved for the sake of the self.

 Not for the sake of the all, my dear, is the all loved, but it is loved for the sake of the self.

So Christopher, it is the Self that should be realized, yes self should be heard of, reflected on and meditated upon. By the realization of the self, my dear-through hearing, reflection and meditation– all is known. All the above thoughts I have given you from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (part2, Ch.4, v.5).

To be continued.............



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