Concept of God in CHRISTIANITY

Concept of god in Christianity –

Thousands of years ago, a Egyptian ruler pharaoh posed a question that “who is lord that i should listen him? “It has been said, “if god were small enough for your minds, he wouldn`t be big enough for your needs. “Scriptures shows many verses which is always gaining on our mind. To clarify the existence of god bible says-“God is all knowing, ever present, and all powerful” in Mathew 10:29-31 means the creator of the universe knows every intimate detail of his creation.

“God is holy” in revelation 15:2-4 which means god is incomparable holiness  merits our worship.

“God is loving  and just “in 2Peter 3:3-9 means god`s justice is tempered by his love.
“God is personal “in acts 17:22-31 and this characteristic of god sets him apart from the so-called “gods” of other religions.

“God is in control” in Romans 11:33-36 and it is important to remember that God is still in control, even if things around us seem to be in chaos.

“The God of bible is the one true God in Corinthians 8:4-6, which contradict other religions as some insist on the existence of many gods, only the god of the bible is the true, living god, worthy of our devotion.

And bible god is Jesus, throughout history many people have attempted to answer this question. Some has done so accurately, but many have not. Best source to answer is god`s own world-The holy Bible. It presents us with some inescapable truths about Jesus that demand a response. He was not just a good man.He was and is the god-man.Let us see what bible say-

“Jesus is human” in Philippians 2:5-11 means Jesus became our supreme example as god in human form.
“Jesus is divine” in Colossians 1:15-20, even though Jesus became human, he still remained God.
“Jesus had a specific mission to accomplish” in Luke 4:16-21 means Jesus came to save humankind from sin.
“Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice” in 1peter 2:24, Jesus endured tremendous pain so that we could enjoy eternity with him.
“Jesus has great power to transform people” in acts 4:1-13 which means Jesus can change the most unlikely person into one of the most powerful witness on his behalf.
“Jesus has an eternal dominion” in revelation 1:4-8 means Jesus kingdom extends beyond the boundaries of space and time.

This shows that Jesus was a holy spirit-the holy spirit is the most mysterious member of the trinity, which includes god the father, god the son(Jesus Christ) and god the spirit(or the holy spirit).For instance, Jesus referred to himself as “the bread of life” and “the good shepherd”. In the same way, God father is referred to as “a refuge” and “a consuming fire”. Does this mean that Jesus is a loaf of bread or a sheep farmer, or that the father is a pile of rocks or a blast furnace? Of course not! These are the metaphors used in scripture to help communicate god`s character. 

Reference:- new believers bible (new testament), Tyndale house publishers,inc., WHEATON,ILLINOIS.


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