of god in Hinduism-
Hinduism is the
oldest living major religion in the is a religion which is predominant
and indigenous religious tradition of Indian subcontinent, being third largest
religion through the world density wise it is known as sanatan dharm to the
followers.”sanatan” is a Sanskrit phrase
which means “eternal law”. It’s a complex religion includes wide spectrum of
laws and prescriptions of daily molarity based on notion of karma, Hinduism
there is great believe in numbers of
gods which deserves worship and obedience. A large body of texts is classified
as Hindu, divided into sruti (revealed) and smriti (remembered) texts. These
texts include the information of theology, philosophy and mythology and provide
information on the practice of dharma (religious living).among these texts
Vedas are the foremost in importance, antiquity and authority. Other major
scriptures are Upanishads,puranas and the epics-Mahabharata and ramayan.Bhagavad gita is a part of Mahabharata has its own special importance.
It combines Vedanta, yoga and samkhya philosophy into its discussion of good
conduct and life.
If we talk about Hinduism then we must know what a sacred scripture says. We all are denied to one power source, energy which creates as well destroy us is one.Thus,if we will go to the chandogya Upanishad ch.6 sec.2 v.1,it says that “ekkam evidityam”-which means god is only one. And he is most powerful, no past, future and present, he is unique, and in shvetashvatara Upanishad ch.6 v.9,it is mentioned that “nachasya kasij janita na chadipa”-which means there are no parents of that almighty god ,he got no father no mother, no superior he is above all.he is dominant and no likeness it is mentioned in shvetashvatara Upanishad ch.4 v.19,”natasya pratima asti”-which means of that god there is no image.Again in shvetashvatara Upanishad ch.4 v.20,the next verse says that “no one can see that almighty god”.And its further mentioned the same thing in bhagavad gita ch.7 v.20,it says “k|mais taistair hrtajnanah padyante’nyadevat| tam tam niyamam sth|ya prakty niyat svay” which means Persons whose discernment has been carried away by various desires impelled by their Krmic impression (Saskra), resort to celestial controllers (Devas) and practice various religious rites.Its mentioned in bhagavad gita ch.10 v.3-“yomm ajam an|di ca vetti lokamah varam Asamha sa martyeu sarvappai pramucyate” which means One who knows Me as the unborn, the beginning less, and the Supreme Lord of the universe, is considered wise among the mortals and becomes liberated from the bondage of Karma. Again in yajurveda ch.32 v.3 its mentioned that “natasya pratima asti”-means of that god there is no image, its further mentioned in yajurveda ch.40 v.8 that almighty god is imageless and pure. If we will refer to yajurveda ch.40 v.9 then its mentioned there that “andhatm pravishanti ya asambhuti mupaste”-which means that they are entering in darkness those who are worshiping natural things and the verse continues that they are entering more in darkness those who are worshiping non-natural things. In atharvaveda bk.20 hymn 58 v.3 its mentioned that “dev maha asi” which means that almighty god is very great.And amongst the Vedas the most sacred is rigveda and its mentioned in rigveda bk.1 hymn 164 v.46 that “ekkam sat viprabhav davdante” which means truth is one,god is one sages call him by various rigveda bk.8 hymn 1 v.1 that “machidadni snsad” which means worship him alone, pray him alone. And the brahamasutra of Hinduism is “ekkam brahm dyotyanaste nahena naste kinchan” which means that there is only one god not the second one not at all, not in the least bit.
Above conversation signifies that god is one,
no image, formidable but finally these all things depends on faith. There is
only one link between you and god,yours believe on him which is only
thing which let you dream heaven. And this whole thing depends on your thinking,
if you think god exists then yes he exist and yours all work will be attached
to him no doubt, but it’s also true if you don`t think of his existence then he
is totally futile for you but for him you are not futile. This is very big
discussion and its very necessary to understand it.Now,its universal fact that it
is impossible for an individual doesn`t believe on anything ,no matter either
you are impious or pious, if you think of anything means you are believing on
it whether it is stone,watch,table,or your advanced gadgets.Scientificaly you
are the architecture of your life and its true. You only change the face and
phase of him but indirectly you are totally attached to him it doesn`t matter
you give any name to him. This whole world is one and everything is same for
every creature of this world from insects to humans.
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